What Type of Anesthesia is Used for Dental Surgery?

When it comes to dental surgery, it's important to consider what type of anesthesia will be used. Learn about local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation.

What Type of Anesthesia is Used for Dental Surgery?

When it comes to dental surgery, the type of anesthesia used is an important factor to consider. It is essential to follow the instructions provided by your oral surgeon to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Most patients opt for general anesthesia when undergoing wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, or oral or maxillofacial reconstruction. All patients we serve receive oral surgery anesthesia, whether it's a simple extraction or a more complex procedure such as a bone graft.

Anesthesia helps to relieve pain and soothe nerves in a wonderful way. Local anesthesia is another option that allows you to remain conscious during surgery. An anesthetic such as lidocaine is injected into and around the surgery area. Local anesthetic is used along with all other forms of anesthesia during every oral surgery procedure. Simple, minimally invasive procedures such as most tooth extractions can be performed with local anesthesia alone.

You can even choose to have your wisdom teeth removed with local anesthesia, although most patients also opt for sedation. Nitrous oxide can be used during simple oral surgery procedures as well as more complex ones such as the removal of wisdom teeth and the insertion of dental implants. Before and during surgery, you breathe in a mixture of nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) and oxygen. This gas allows you to stay conscious and relaxed while providing sedation and analgesia to control pain. Most people who have dental implants placed or wisdom teeth removed choose intravenous anesthesia. Following successful training and evaluation by your doctor, the state dental board has authorized them to administer general anesthesia.

During a procedure in which IV anesthesia is used, you stay asleep and don't notice the surgery. Anesthetics include fentanyl (opiate), Versed (benzodiazepine), ketamine, and diprivan. Oxygen is supplied through a nasal breathing apparatus and your vital signs are carefully monitored. General anesthesia is offered for inpatients who need extensive work such as facial and mandibular reconstruction or temporomandibular joint surgery. Inpatient anesthesia, given by an anesthesiologist, may also be better if you have heart or lung disease or other medical condition that requires admission to the hospital.

Our purpose is to keep you comfortable and safe. If you have questions or concerns about what type of anesthesia is best for you, don't hesitate to call our caring staff or talk to your doctor during your next appointment. Most people should not eat or drink anything for at least six hours before their dentist appointment. Oral surgeons have received the highest level of licenses for dentists to perform anesthesia, allowing them to safely offer more options than general dentists. The most common types of dental sedation include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation. Dental sedation relieves anxieties and phobias, helping you stay calm and comfortable during dental procedures. At Medical City Alliance Hospital in Fort Worth, Drs.

Jandali and Hur understand each type of anesthesia well, which means they know which one should be used for each type of surgery. Local anesthesia is the most basic level we offer and is often used for single tooth extractions and for the placement of implants. Intravenous sedation dentistry is the most profound form of conscious sedation available in a dental office. Your healthcare provider delivers sedative medications directly into the bloodstream through an IV while monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. During the procedure, they can adjust the dose at any time and can use reversal medications if needed.

Most people who receive intravenous sedation dentistry fall asleep and have little or no memory of the treatment when they wake up. This option is best for people with severe dental anxiety or those undergoing lengthy procedures.

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