Everything You Need to Know About Dental Procedures and Surgery

Dental procedures range from simple treatments like fillings and crowns to more complex surgeries like wisdom teeth removal and dental implants. In this article we'll discuss different types of dental procedures, recovery period & post-surgery care.

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Procedures and Surgery

Dental procedures and surgery can be intimidating, but understanding the basics can help you feel more prepared and informed. From wisdom teeth removal to dental implants, there are a variety of dental procedures that can help improve your oral health. In this article, we'll discuss the different types of dental procedures, the recovery period, and post-surgery care.

Types of Dental Procedures

Dental procedures range from simple treatments like fillings and crowns to more complex surgeries like wisdom teeth removal and dental implants.

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common dental surgeries, and it involves removing the third molars from the back of the mouth. This procedure is usually done when the teeth are impacted or cause pain or infection. Dental implants are another common procedure that involves replacing a missing tooth with an artificial one. This procedure requires a recovery period of several months, during which time the implant will fuse with the jawbone.

Other common dental procedures include root canals, tooth extractions, and dental bridges.

Recovery Period

The recovery period for dental procedures varies depending on the type of procedure and the individual's health. Generally speaking, most people can expect to experience some discomfort and swelling after a dental procedure. To help reduce swelling and discomfort, it's important to follow your dentist's instructions for post-surgery care. This may include taking medications such as pain relievers, antibiotics, or steroid medications; using an ice pack or heating pad; avoiding physical activity; eating soft foods; and rinsing with salt water. It's also important to follow your dentist's instructions for infection prevention.

This may include brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing daily, using an antiseptic mouthwash, and rinsing with salt water after meals. Additionally, it's important to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol during the recovery period as these activities can increase your risk of infection.

Post-Surgery Care

After a dental procedure, it's important to take it easy and get plenty of rest. Eating healthy foods such as soups, broths, Greek yogurt, mashed potatoes, eggs, apples, salmon, cottage cheese, shakes, and heart-healthy fats can help speed up the healing process. Additionally, taking vitamins such as zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin A, C, and D can help promote healing.

It's also important to avoid foods that are hard or chewy as these can cause discomfort or damage to the area. In addition to eating healthy foods and taking vitamins, it's important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It's also important to take pain medications as prescribed by your dentist or doctor. Common pain medications include hydrocodone (Vicodin), oxycodone (Percocet), Motrin (ibuprofen), Extra Strength Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil (ibuprofen), and Vicodin (hydrocodone).Finally, it's important to follow your dentist's instructions for post-surgery care. This may include using an antiseptic rinse or mouthwash such as Corsodyl Treatment; brushing your teeth twice a day with an alcohol-free toothpaste; flossing daily; rinsing with saltwater; avoiding smoking; avoiding physical activity; using an ice pack or heating pad; and taking pain medications as prescribed.


Dental procedures and surgery can be intimidating but understanding the basics can help you feel more prepared and informed.

It's important to follow your dentist's instructions for post-surgery care in order to reduce swelling and discomfort and promote healing. Additionally, it's important to eat healthy foods and take vitamins during the recovery period in order to speed up the healing process.

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