What to Do if You Experience Pain or Discomfort After Dental Surgery

Learn what to do if you experience pain or discomfort after your dental surgery procedure. Understand what type of pain to expect & how long it will last.

What to Do if You Experience Pain or Discomfort After Dental Surgery

If you have recently undergone a dental surgery procedure, you may experience some pain or discomfort afterwards. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers can help to alleviate any discomfort you may be feeling. After about 24 hours, you may notice bruising, swelling, and tenderness around the implant site. The implant area is likely to feel very tender and sensitive, so it is best to avoid hot and crunchy foods. In most cases, the discomfort will peak between 3 and 5 days after treatment and then begin to go away relatively quickly.

By the end of the first week after surgery, you should feel little, if any, discomfort and pain. For most patients, this pain will peak sometime between 48 and 72 hours after surgery, and then begin to go away relatively quickly. In general, the pain you will experience is relatively mild. Compared to extracting a tooth, for example, dental implant surgery is much less invasive and much less painful. The best way to prevent complications and reduce pain and discomfort after implant surgery is to follow your dentist's instructions carefully.

The most common causes of pain after dental treatment are a poor procedure, pre-existing inflammation, very large cavities, and irritation from TMD (TMJ pain). In addition, understanding what type of pain to expect helps you know when your dental problems are the reason for a follow-up visit. At a minimum, getting a single-tooth dental implant takes at least 6 to 7 months, and may take longer in some cases. If you have a dental filling that is too high and it interferes with your bite, you'll need to go back to the dentist to resolve the sensitivity. The vast majority of patients with dental implants should be cured approximately 2 weeks after surgery, although another 3 to 6 months are needed to ensure that the implant fully adheres to the jawbone. It's very irregular to feel severe pain for 1 to 2 weeks or more after the placement of the dental implant.

It happens because the sensitive tissues in the teeth and gums have been agitated during normal dental care. If you're thinking about getting dental implants implanted in Jackson and want to learn more about the healing and recovery process, you might be wondering if you'll experience pain and discomfort after treatment and how long it will last. In general, the vast majority of dental treatments can be avoided by addressing dental health on a regular basis. Taking care of your teeth by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, flossing once daily, eating a balanced diet low in sugar, avoiding tobacco products, and visiting your dentist regularly can help prevent many common dental problems.

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