What to Do After a Dental Surgery Procedure

Learn what to do after a dental surgery procedure from an expert in the field of dentistry. Find out how to reduce swelling and ease pain after tooth extraction.

What to Do After a Dental Surgery Procedure

Starting 24 hours after tooth extraction, it is important to gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and ease pain. Additionally, you should continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully, and floss your teeth when your dentist says you can. Once the bleeding has stopped, you can start eating soft foods. For the first or second day after oral surgery, it is best to consume only liquids or soft foods. Examples of soft foods include soups, yoghurts, and mashed potatoes.

A couple of days after the procedure, you may be allowed to include warm, soft foods such as mashed potatoes, broths, and soups. It is important to avoid chewy, crunchy foods (e.g. chips).Sometimes several teeth are removed or a missing tooth replaced (called a dental implant procedure). Tooth extraction is a dental procedure during which the tooth is completely removed from its socket.

In some cases, the dentist may also place a dental bone graft, which helps prevent bone loss in the jaw. Extracting a tooth can help alleviate dental pain almost immediately, especially if the tooth was severely broken or infected. Using specialized dental instruments, the dentist will gently loosen the tooth and carefully lift it out of its socket. Sedation is an excellent option for people who have dental anxiety or for those who simply want to be more comfortable during the consultation. Dentists and some dental specialists, such as oral surgeons and periodontists, can perform tooth extractions. If you're planning to replace your tooth with a dental implant, you'll probably have to wait a few months before you can fully recover.

Every time you experience a toothache or dental pain, it's important to schedule a visit to the dentist. However, sometimes other restorative methods, such as dental fillings or dental crowns, aren't enough.

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