What is the Purpose of Dental Surgery?

Dental surgery is any medical procedure involving the artificial modification of the dentition. Learn about different types of dental surgery & their benefits.

What is the Purpose of Dental Surgery?

The most common type of oral surgery is tooth extraction, which may be recommended if you have severe tooth decay, gum disease (periodontitis), dental trauma, or complications with your wisdom teeth. Sometimes, tooth extractions are performed to prepare you for dentures or other prosthetic devices.

Dental surgery

is surgery on the bones of the jaw and teeth and encompasses a large number of dental procedures or medical procedures that involve the artificial modification of the dentition. It includes a range of treatments such as implantation, laser treatment, gum graft surgery, deep cleaning, dental crown lengthening, plastic surgery, and more. The goal of dental surgery is to restore the integrity of the jaw, teeth and gums.

In addition to restoring your appearance, it also restores lost function. Before any dental surgery is performed, the surgical team will provide you with a list of things to prepare in advance. Dental medicine not only seeks to repair teeth, but also covers other aspects of the craniofacial complex such as the temperomandibular structure and other support structures. Implants are used not only to replace missing teeth by surgically placing a dental pin in the dental cavity and bone where the tooth or teeth used to be. You can choose between temporary or removable false teeth that you can place in a glass of water when you are about to sleep or permanent false teeth that you have to put in your mouth like dental bridges. Oral dental surgery is any surgical procedure that involves the teeth, the jaws from which the teeth grow, and the gums that cut so that they are visible.

In turn, dental surgery procedures don't just cover root canals and wisdom tooth extraction. The dental hygienist who cleaned me was also very friendly and took my concerns into account. Therefore, it is important to understand what type of dental surgery is necessary for your particular situation and to consult with an experienced dentist or oral surgeon who can provide you with more information about the procedure and its potential risks and benefits. They will be happy to discuss treatment possibilities, dental procedures and funding options, as well as to address any other questions or concerns you may have.

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