Should I Use an Antiseptic Mouthwash After Dental Surgery?

Learn how to reduce infection risk after dental surgery by using antiseptic mouthwash. Find out when and how to use it.

Should I Use an Antiseptic Mouthwash After Dental Surgery?

Yes, you can use a mouthwash during the healing process five days to one week after tooth extraction. Rinsing your mouth with a mild saltwater solution or an alcohol-free mouthwash can help keep the area clean and free of infections. Avoid using mouthwashes that contain alcohol, as they can irritate the extraction site. Be sure to see your dentist for a medical opinion.

Your dentist may recommend using saltwater rinses with water because it is a natural disinfectant that helps relieve tissue swelling. Therefore, you should continue to use saltwater rinses for about three weeks after the surgical procedure. While mouthwash can help keep your mouth clean, you shouldn't use a mouthwash for the first 24 hours after a tooth extraction or oral surgery. However, after a root canal, you should continue to brush and floss your teeth to maintain good dental hygiene.

Root canals are a painful procedure that requires the dentist to drill the tooth to expose the infected or inflamed tooth from within and remove it from its chamber before cleaning and disinfecting the canals. It is beneficial to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a prescription mouthwash with your dentist before using any remedy to kill bacteria in the mouth after a tooth has been extracted. Your dental professional may recommend a prescription mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine gluconate because it is a germicidal mouthwash that helps reduce bacteria in the mouth. Alveolar osteitis (AO), also known as dry alveolitis, is a common postoperative condition that follows tooth extraction procedures, in particular those of the third molar.

After completing the procedure, the dentist fills the canals with a biocompatible rubber-like material called guttapercha with adhesives to close the canals and places a temporary sensation on the crown of the tooth to protect it until the tooth is restored with a dental crown. Right after a tooth extraction or after oral surgery isn't a good time to use a mouthwash. Some dental equipment and procedures, such as ultrasonic scrapers, air polishing, an air-water syringe, and dental polishing with manual pneumatic turbine parts or air abrasion, generate aerosols, a mixture of liquid and solid particles. Therefore, unless specified by your dentist, you should refrain from using any brand of mouthwash and use natural saltwater disinfectant when maintaining proper dental hygiene.

To reduce the risk of infection after dental surgery, it is important to follow your dentist's instructions carefully. Saltwater rinses are recommended for about three weeks after the procedure. After this period, you may use an antiseptic mouthwash if prescribed by your dentist. Be sure to brush and floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.

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